Listen in as ProShip and enVista perform a postmortem on 2020 peak parcel shipping.
The 2020 peak season presented shippers with a unique set of challenges. From already booming e-commerce business to an unprecedented disruption in supply chains due to the global pandemic, businesses of all types had to adapt to a quickly evolving shipping landscape.
In this episode of ProShip ParcelCast, experts from ProShip along with Mark Taylor from enVista perform a postmortem on 2020 peak parcel shipping with a focus on capacity constraints, carriers severing contracts and the inability of shippers to get packages out the door. They also touch on how operational constraints affect strategy and provide actionable solutions to the shipping pains experienced in 2020.
Be sure to also tune in next month as we invite Jesta I.S. President Arvind Gupta to talk about supply chain productivity in an omnichannel world.