Join ProShip multi-carrier shipping software at the 2023 GMT Summit in Memphis, TN
ProShip is excited to join one of our partners, Green Mountain Technology, at The 2023 GMT Summit as a returning Bronze sponsor next month. The GMT Summit is held each year in Memphis, TN and is an exciting supply chain event that helps attendees gain inspiration, best practices, and solutions for taking on some of the industry challenges facing parcel shippers each year. Join other executives from some of the largest brands in the world at this educational and fun event May 16-18, 2023. [Request an Invite]
Attendees can expect to learn more about trending and innovative solutions in the market, as well as what the experts expect on the horizon. The networking opportunities are invaluable with access to meet and learn from innovative brands with the experience and tools to solve complex supply chain pain points. Over the three days, the event will offer a mix of presentations, roundtables, and shipper/carrier panels, with exclusive access to insights and timely market data.
GMT Summit attendees will not only receive networking opportunities and beneficial supply chain information, but they will also gain priority access to a great resource for any parcel shipper planning their strategy for the upcoming peak season: the GMT Benchmark Report. This report shares peer insights, industry pain points, emerging trends, carrier insights, thought leadership, and more, to help parcel and LTL shippers navigate the complex transportation and logistics industry that exists today. In collaboration with the Cleveland Research Company, Green Mountain Technology has compiled this report which includes a survey of some of the world’s largest and most complex parcel shippers, a high-level YOY analysis of the greater transportation industry, and a deeper dive on the areas that are critical to shippers today.
The event will include an opportunity to network with parcel and LTL experts over BBQ and beers again this year with the return of the Memphis in May BBQ Festival. On the evening of Thursday, May 18th, GMT Summit attendees can stop by to see award-winning Ten Pin Porkers, the Grand Daddy of Grilling and ranked as America’s #1 most prestigious BBQ competition by USA Today’s 10 Best. Can’t wait to taste that BBQ and see you on May 16-18 at The GMT Summit!
Now is the time to find and implement shipping solutions that will enhance your strategy and tackle whatever challenges the next few years may bring. Stop by the booth to learn more about ProShip’s advanced multi-carrier shipping solution that enables complex carrier rate shopping, better omnichannel logistics capabilities, and other must-have parcel shipping features by scheduling some time with our on-site representative, Tony Verrill. In addition, discover how to amplify that strategy with Green Mountain Technology’s Parcel Spend Management solution.
About Green Mountain Technology
At Green Mountain Technology (GMT), we bring innovation and technology together to help large companies manage their parcel spend at a level they could not reach on their own. Our Parcel Spend Management solution combines a best-in-class parcel audit system with intelligent parcel spend analysis software to identify network opportunities and assist with contract management.